MixMassFracBetaCoeffHydroTimeScaleMix mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policy with DNS hydrodynamics time scale.
User-defined parameters b' and kappa' are functions of an externally, e.g., DNS-, provided hydrodynamics time scale ensuring decay in the evolution of <y^2>. Additionally, S is constrained to make d<rho>/dt = 0, where <rho> = rho_2/(1+rY). Additionally, we pull in a hydrodynamic timescale from an external function.
Public static functions
static auto type() -> ctr::
CoeffPolicyType noexcept - Coefficients policy type accessor.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
t ncomp, const std::vector<kw::sde_bprime::info::expect::type>& bprime_, const std::vector<kw::sde_S::info::expect::type>& S_, const std::vector<kw::sde_kappaprime::info::expect::type>& kprime_, const std::vector<kw::sde_rho2::info::expect::type>& rho2_, const std::vector<kw::sde_r::info::expect::type>& r_, std::vector<kw::sde_bprime::info::expect::type>& bprime, std::vector<kw::sde_S::info::expect::type>& S, std::vector<kw::sde_kappaprime::info::expect::type>& kprime, std::vector<kw::sde_rho2::info::expect::type>& rho2, std::vector<kw::sde_r::info::expect::type>& r, std::vector<kw::sde_b::info::expect::type>& b, std::vector<kw::sde_kappa::info::expect::type>& k) - Constructor: initialize coefficients.
Public functions
void update(char depvar,
DepvarType, ctr:: DepvarType, ncomp_ t ncomp, const std::map<tk:: ctr:: Product, tk:: real>& moments, const std::vector<kw::sde_bprime::info::expect::type>& bprime, const std::vector<kw::sde_kappaprime::info::expect::type>& kprime, const std::vector<kw::sde_rho2::info::expect::type>& rho2, const std::vector<kw::sde_r::info::expect::type>& r, const std::vector<tk:: Table<1>>& hts, const std::vector<tk:: Table<1>>& hp, std::vector<kw::sde_b::info::expect::type>& b, std::vector<kw::sde_kappa::info::expect::type>& k, std::vector<kw::sde_S::info::expect::type>& S, tk:: real t) const - Update coefficients b', kappa', and S.
auto hydrotimescale(tk::
real t, const tk:: Table<1>& ts) const -> tk:: real -
auto hydroproduction(tk::
real t, const tk:: Table<1>& p) const -> tk:: real
Function documentation
walker:: MixMassFracBetaCoeffHydroTimeScale:: MixMassFracBetaCoeffHydroTimeScale(ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::vector<kw::sde_bprime::info::expect::type>& bprime_,
const std::vector<kw::sde_S::info::expect::type>& S_,
const std::vector<kw::sde_kappaprime::info::expect::type>& kprime_,
const std::vector<kw::sde_rho2::info::expect::type>& rho2_,
const std::vector<kw::sde_r::info::expect::type>& r_,
std::vector<kw::sde_bprime::info::expect::type>& bprime,
std::vector<kw::sde_S::info::expect::type>& S,
std::vector<kw::sde_kappaprime::info::expect::type>& kprime,
std::vector<kw::sde_rho2::info::expect::type>& rho2,
std::vector<kw::sde_r::info::expect::type>& r,
std::vector<kw::sde_b::info::expect::type>& b,
std::vector<kw::sde_kappa::info::expect::type>& k)
Constructor: initialize coefficients.
Parameters | |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this SDE system |
bprime_ in | Vector used to initialize coefficient vector bprime |
S_ in | Vector used to initialize coefficient vector S |
kprime_ in | Vector used to initialize coefficient vector kprime |
rho2_ in | Vector used to initialize coefficient vector rho2 |
r_ in | Vector used to initialize coefficient vector r |
bprime in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
S in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
kprime in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
rho2 in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
r in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
b in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
k in/out | Coefficient vector to be initialized |
void walker:: MixMassFracBetaCoeffHydroTimeScale:: update(char depvar,
ctr:: DepvarType,
ctr:: DepvarType,
ncomp_ t ncomp,
const std::map<tk:: ctr:: Product, tk:: real>& moments,
const std::vector<kw::sde_bprime::info::expect::type>& bprime,
const std::vector<kw::sde_kappaprime::info::expect::type>& kprime,
const std::vector<kw::sde_rho2::info::expect::type>& rho2,
const std::vector<kw::sde_r::info::expect::type>& r,
const std::vector<tk:: Table<1>>& hts,
const std::vector<tk:: Table<1>>& hp,
std::vector<kw::sde_b::info::expect::type>& b,
std::vector<kw::sde_kappa::info::expect::type>& k,
std::vector<kw::sde_S::info::expect::type>& S,
tk:: real t) const
Update coefficients b', kappa', and S.
Parameters | |
depvar in | Dependent variable |
ncomp in | Number of scalar components in this SDE system |
moments in | Map of statistical moments estimated |
bprime in | Coefficient vector b' |
kprime in | Coefficient vector kappa' |
rho2 in | Coefficient vector rho2 |
r in | Coefficient vector r |
hts in | (Inverse) hydrodynamics time scale (as input from DNS) |
hp in | Production/dissipation (as input from DNS) |
b in/out | Coefficient vector to be updated |
k in/out | Coefficient vector to be updated |
S in/out | Coefficient vector to be updated |
t in | Physical time at which to update coefficients |
This where the mix mass-fraction beta SDE is made consistent with the no-mix and fully mixed limits by specifying the SDE coefficients, b and kappa as functions of b' and kappa'. Additionally, we pull in a hydrodynamic timescale from an external function. We also specify S to force d<rho>/dt = 0, where <rho> = rho_2/(1+rY).
tk:: real walker:: MixMassFracBetaCoeffHydroTimeScale:: hydrotimescale(tk:: real t,
const tk:: Table<1>& ts) const
Parameters | |
t in | Time at which to sample inverse hydrodynamics time scale |
ts in | Hydro time scale table to sample |
Returns | Sampled value from discrete table of inverse hydro time scale |
Sample the inverse hydrodynamics time scale at time t
tk:: real walker:: MixMassFracBetaCoeffHydroTimeScale:: hydroproduction(tk:: real t,
const tk:: Table<1>& p) const
Parameters | |
t in | Time at which to sample hydrodynamics P/e |
p in | P/e table to sample |
Returns | Sampled value from discrete table of P/e |
Sample the hydrodynamics production/dissipation rate (P/e) at time t