dir src Root of the source tree.
dir Base Basic, general, generic utilities, reused across all executables.
- file Callback.hpp Tagged tuple types used for passing Charm++ callbacks.
- file CartesianProduct.hpp Cartesian product using brigand.
- file ChareState.hpp Charm++ chare state collector group.
- file ChareStateCollector.cpp Charm++ chare state collector group.
- file ChareStateCollector.hpp Charm++ chare state collector group.
- file ContainerUtil.hpp Various STL container utilities.
- file Data.hpp Generic data storage with different memory layouts.
- file Escaper.hpp String escaper pulled over from PEGTL v0.32.
- file Exception.cpp Exception class definition.
- file Exception.hpp Exception class declaration.
- file ExceptionMPI.hpp Exception macros interoperating with MPI.
- file Factory.hpp Factory utilities.
- file Flip_map.hpp Flip a std::map yielding a multimap sorted by std::map::value_type.
- file Has.hpp "Has-a" utilities for detecting class internals
- file HashMapReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging std::unordered_maps across PEs.
- file If.hpp Compile-time type selection.
- file LoadDistributor.cpp Load distributors.
- file LoadDistributor.hpp Load distributors and partitioning data types.
- file Macro.hpp Macro definitions.
- file Particles.hpp Particles used to store particle data.
- file Print.hpp General purpose pretty printer functionality.
- file PrintUtil.cpp String conversion utilities.
- file PrintUtil.hpp String conversion utilities.
- file ProcessControl.cpp POSIX process control wrapper definitions.
- file ProcessControl.hpp POSIX process control wrapper definitions.
- file ProcessException.cpp Process an exception.
- file ProcessException.hpp Process an exception definition.
- file Progress.hpp Simple progress indicator.
- file PUPUtil.hpp Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities.
- file QEndian.hpp Swap endianness.
- file Reader.cpp Reader class definition.
- file Reader.hpp Reader base class declaration.
- file Table.hpp Basic functionality for storing and sampling a discrete (y1,y2,...,yN) = f(x) function.
- file TaggedTuple.hpp Tagged tuple allowing tag-based access.
- file TaggedTupleDeepPrint.hpp Structured TaggedTuple printer with depth/indentation.
- file TaggedTuplePrint.hpp Simple (unformatted, one-line) TaggedTuple printer.
- file TeeBuf.hpp Tee stream buffer.
- file Timer.cpp Timer definition.
- file Timer.hpp Timer declaration.
- file Types.hpp Toolkit-level type definitions.
- file Vector.hpp Vector algebra.
- file Writer.cpp Writer base class definition.
- file Writer.hpp Writer base class declaration.
dir Control Command line and input file parsing and grammars for all executables.
dir Options Options for multiple executables.
- file Error.hpp Error type options.
- file MKLBetaMethod.hpp Intel MKL Beta RNG method options.
- file MKLGammaMethod.hpp Intel MKL Gamma RNG method options.
- file MKLGaussianMethod.hpp Intel MKL Gaussian RNG method options.
- file MKLGaussianMVMethod.hpp Intel MKL multi-variate Gaussian RNG method options.
- file MKLUniformMethod.hpp Intel MKL uniform RNG method options.
- file PDFCentering.hpp PDF output file centering type options.
- file PDFFile.hpp PDF output file type options.
- file PDFPolicy.hpp PDF output file policy options.
- file RNG.hpp Random number generator options and associations.
- file RNGSSESeqLen.hpp RNGSSE sequence length options.
- file TxtFloatFormat.hpp Text floating-point output options.
- file UserTable.hpp User-defined table (discrete y=f(x) function) options.
dir RNGTest Types, options, command line parsing, and grammar for RNGTest
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for RNGTest
- file CmdLine.hpp RNGTest's command line.
- file Grammar.hpp RNGTest's command line grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp RNGTest's command line parser.
- file Parser.hpp RNGTest's command line parser.
dir InputDeck Input file parsing and grammar for RNGTest
- file Grammar.hpp Random number generator test suite grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp Random number generator test suite input deck parser.
- file Parser.hpp Random number generator test suite input deck parser.
- file InputDeck.hpp Random number generator test suite input deck.
dir Options Options for RNGTest
- file Battery.hpp Random number generator test suite batteries options.
- file Types.hpp Types for RNGTest's parsers.
dir UnitTest Types, command line parsing, and grammar for UnitTest
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for UnitTest
- file CmdLine.hpp UnitTest's command line.
- file Grammar.hpp UnitTest's command line grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp UnitTest's command line parser.
- file Parser.hpp UnitTest's command line parser.
- file Types.hpp Types for UnitTest's parsers.
dir Walker Types, options, command line parsing, and grammar for Walker
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for Walker
- file CmdLine.hpp Walker's command line.
- file Grammar.hpp Walker's command line grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp Walker's command line parser.
- file Parser.hpp Walker's command line parser.
dir InputDeck Input file parsing and grammar for Walker
- file Grammar.hpp Walker's input deck grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp Walker's input deck file parser.
- file Parser.hpp Walker's input deck file parser.
- file InputDeck.hpp Walker's input deck.
dir Options Options for Walker
- file CoeffPolicy.hpp Differential equation coefficients policy options.
- file Depvar.hpp Dependent variable options for walker.
- file DiffEq.hpp Differential equation options and associations for walker.
- file HydroProductions.hpp Hydrodynamics production divided by dissipation rate options.
- file HydroTimeScales.hpp Inverse hydrodynamics time scale options.
- file InitPolicy.hpp Differential equation initialization policy options for walker.
- file Normalization.hpp Normalization variants (used for MixDirichlet)
- file VelocityVariant.hpp Velocity model variants.
- file Types.hpp Types for Walker's parsers.
- file Components.hpp Storage for number of components.
- file CommonGrammar.hpp Generic, low-level grammar, re-used by specific grammars.
- file FileParser.cpp File parser base class definition.
- file FileParser.hpp File parser base class declaration.
- file HelpFactory.hpp Command-line and input deck help factory.
- file Keyword.hpp Generic definition of a keyword.
- file Keywords.hpp Definition of all keywords.
- file MKLGrammar.hpp Intel MKL-related grammar.
- file Random123Grammar.hpp Random123-related grammar.
- file RNGParam.hpp Types for storing parameters of random number generators.
- file RNGSSEGrammar.hpp RNGSSE-related grammar.
- file StatCtr.hpp Types and associated functions to deal with moments and PDFs.
- file StringParser.cpp String parser base class definition.
- file StringParser.hpp String parser base class declaration.
- file SystemComponents.hpp Operations on numbers of scalar components of systems of equations.
- file Tags.hpp Tags.
- file Toggle.hpp Toggle is the base for an Option, doing generic searches.
dir DiffEq Stochastic and deterministic (ordinary) differential equations.
dir Beta Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the beta PDF.
- file Beta.hpp System of beta SDEs.
- file BetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Beta coefficients policies.
- file BetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Beta coefficients policies.
- file ConfigureBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the beta SDE.
- file ConfigureBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMassFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the mass fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMassFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixMassFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the mix mass fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixMassFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the mix mass fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixNumberFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the mix number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixNumberFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the mix number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureNumberFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureNumberFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the number fraction beta SDE.
- file MassFractionBeta.hpp System of mass-fraction beta SDEs.
- file MassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixMassFractionBeta.hpp System of mix mass-fraction beta SDEs.
- file MixMassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixMassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Mix mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixNumberFractionBeta.hpp System of mix number-fraction beta SDEs.
- file MixNumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixNumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Mix number-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file NumberFractionBeta.hpp System of number-fraction beta SDEs.
- file NumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file NumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Number-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
dir Dirichlet Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Dirichlet PDF.
- file ConfigureDirichlet.cpp Register and compile configuration on the Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureDirichlet.hpp Register and compile configuration on the Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureGeneralizedDirichlet.cpp Register and compile configuration on the generlized Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureGeneralizedDirichlet.hpp Register and compile configuration on the generalized Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureMixDirichlet.cpp Register and compile configuration on the MixDirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureMixDirichlet.hpp Register and compile configuration on the MixDirichlet SDE.
- file Dirichlet.hpp Dirichlet SDE.
- file DirichletCoeffPolicy.cpp Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file DirichletCoeffPolicy.hpp Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file GeneralizedDirichlet.hpp Lochner's generalized Dirichlet SDE.
- file GeneralizedDirichletCoeffPolicy.cpp Generalized Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file GeneralizedDirichletCoeffPolicy.hpp Lochner's generalized Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file MixDirichlet.hpp Mixture Dirichlet SDE.
- file MixDirichletCoeffPolicy.cpp Mixture Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file MixDirichletCoeffPolicy.hpp MixDirichlet coefficients policies.
dir Dissipation Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent flows.
- file ConfigureDissipation.cpp Register and compile configuration on the dissipation SDE.
- file ConfigureDissipation.hpp Register and compile configuration on the dissipation SDE.
- file Dissipation.hpp A dissipation model for Lagrangian particles.
- file DissipationCoeffPolicy.cpp Dissipation SDE coefficients policies.
- file DissipationCoeffPolicy.hpp Particle dissipation equation coefficients policies.
dir Gamma Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the gamma PDF.
- file ConfigureGamma.cpp Register and compile configuration on the gamma SDE.
- file ConfigureGamma.hpp Register and compile configuration on the gamma SDE.
- file Gamma.hpp System of gamma SDEs.
- file GammaCoeffPolicy.cpp Gamma coefficients policies.
- file GammaCoeffPolicy.hpp Gamma coefficients policies.
dir OrnsteinUhlenbeck Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
- file ConfigureDiagOrnsteinUhlenbeck.cpp Register and compile configuration on the diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file ConfigureDiagOrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp Register and compile configuration on the diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file ConfigureOrnsteinUhlenbeck.cpp Register and compile configuration on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file ConfigureOrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp Register and compile configuration on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file DiagOrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp System of diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDEs.
- file DiagOrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.cpp Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
- file DiagOrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.hpp Diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
- file OrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp System of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDEs.
- file OrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.cpp Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
- file OrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.hpp Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
dir Position Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the stochastic particle positions in turbulent flows.
- file ConfigurePosition.cpp Register and compile configuration on the position SDE.
- file ConfigurePosition.hpp Register and compile configuration on the position SDE.
- file Position.hpp A position model for Lagrangian particles.
- file PositionCoeffPolicy.cpp Position SDE coefficients policies.
- file PositionCoeffPolicy.hpp Particle position equation coefficients policies.
dir SkewNormal Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the skew-normal PDF.
- file ConfigureSkewNormal.cpp Register and compile configuration on the skew-normal SDE.
- file ConfigureSkewNormal.hpp Register and compile configuration on the skew-normal SDE.
- file SkewNormal.hpp System of skew-normal SDEs.
- file SkewNormalCoeffPolicy.cpp SkewNormal coefficients policies.
- file SkewNormalCoeffPolicy.hpp Skew-normal coefficients policies.
dir Velocity Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the stochastic particle velocities in turbulent flows.
- file ConfigureVelocity.cpp Register and compile configuration on the velocity SDE.
- file ConfigureVelocity.hpp Register and compile configuration on the velocity SDE.
- file Langevin.cpp Functionality implementing Langevin models for the velocity.
- file Langevin.hpp Functionality implementing Langevin models for the velocity.
- file Velocity.hpp A model for velocity in variable-density turbulence.
- file VelocityCoeffPolicy.cpp Velocity coefficients policies.
- file VelocityCoeffPolicy.hpp Velocity equation coefficients policies.
dir WrightFisher Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Wright-Fisher process.
- file ConfigureWrightFisher.cpp Register and compile configuration on the Wright-Fisher SDE.
- file ConfigureWrightFisher.hpp Register and compile configuration on the Wright-Fisher SDE.
- file WrightFisher.hpp Wright-Fisher SDE.
- file WrightFisherCoeffPolicy.cpp Wright-Fisher coefficients policies.
- file WrightFisherCoeffPolicy.hpp Wright-Fisher coefficients policies.
- file DiffEq.hpp Differential equation.
- file HydroProductions.hpp Hydrodynamics (turbulent kinetic energy) production divided by the dissipation rate from DNS for the homogeneous Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
- file HydroTimeScales.hpp Inverse hydrodynamics time scales from DNS for the homogeneous Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
- file InitPolicy.hpp Initialization policies.
- file CoupledEq.hpp Functionality for querying information on coupled equations.
- file DiffEqFactory.hpp Differential equations factory.
- file DiffEqStack.cpp Stack of differential equations.
- file DiffEqStack.hpp Stack of differential equations.
dir IO File input and output.
- file GmshMeshIO.hpp Gmsh mesh reader and writer related types.
- file GmshMeshReader.cpp Gmsh mesh reader class definition.
- file GmshMeshReader.hpp Gmsh mesh reader class declaration.
- file GmshMeshWriter.cpp Gmsh mesh writer class definition.
- file GmshMeshWriter.hpp Gmsh mesh writer class declaration.
- file H5PartWriter.cpp H5Part particles data writer.
- file H5PartWriter.hpp H5Part particles data writer.
- file ParticleWriter.cpp Charm++ group for outputing particle data to file via H5Part.
- file ParticleWriter.hpp Charm++ group for outputing particle data to file via H5Part.
- file PDFWriter.cpp Univariate PDF writer.
- file PDFWriter.hpp PDF writer class declaration.
- file TxtStatWriter.cpp Text statistics writer declaration.
- file TxtStatWriter.hpp Text statistics writer declaration.
dir Main Driver routines for all executables.
- file Init.cpp Common initialization routines for main() functions for multiple exectuables.
- file Init.hpp Common initialization routines for main() functions for multiple exectuables.
- file LBSwitch.cpp Charm++ chare group for switching on/off load balancing.
- file LBSwitch.hpp Charm++ chare group for switching on/off load balancing.
- file RNGPrint.cpp Pretty printer base for pretty printers supporting RNGs.
- file RNGPrint.hpp Pretty printer base for pretty printers supporting RNGs.
- file RNGTest.cpp RNGTest's random number generator test suite's Charm++ main chare.
- file RNGTestDriver.cpp Random number generator test suite driver.
- file RNGTestDriver.hpp Random number generator test suite driver.
- file RNGTestPrint.hpp RNGTest-specific pretty printer functionality.
- file UnitTest.cpp UnitTest's Charm++ main chare and main().
- file UnitTestDriver.cpp Unit test driver.
- file UnitTestDriver.hpp Unit test driver.
- file UnitTestPrint.hpp UnitTest's printer.
- file Walker.cpp Random walker Charm++ main chare.
- file WalkerDriver.cpp WalkerDriver that drives Walker.
- file WalkerDriver.hpp WalkerDriver that drives Walker.
- file WalkerPrint.cpp Walker-specific pretty printer functionality.
- file WalkerPrint.hpp Walker-specific pretty printer functionality.
dir NoWarning Include files turning on/off specific compiler warnings for third-party library includes.
- file factory.hpp Include boost/functional/factory.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file any.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/any.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file append.hpp Include brigand/sequences/append.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file back.hpp Include brigand/sequences/back.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file backward.hpp Include backward.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file beta_distribution.hpp Include boost/random/beta_distribution.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charestatecollector.decl.h Include charestatecollector.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charestatecollector.def.h Include charestatecollector.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charm++.hpp Include charm++.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charm.hpp Include charm.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charmchild.def.h Include charmchild.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charmtimer.def.h Include charmtimer.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file collector.def.h Include collector.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file distributor.decl.h Include distributor.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file distributor.def.h Include distributor.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file exodusII.hpp Include exodusII.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file flatten.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/flatten.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file fold.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/fold.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file format.hpp Include boost/format.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file front.hpp Include brigand/sequences/front.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file H5Part.hpp Include H5Part.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file index_of.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/index_of.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file integrator.decl.h Include integrator.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file integrator.def.h Include integrator.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file migrated_base.def.h Include migrated_
base.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file mpi.hpp Include mpi.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file mpirunner.decl.h Include mpirunner.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file mpirunner.def.h Include mpirunner.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file particlewriter.decl.h Include particlewriter.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file particlewriter.def.h Include particlewriter.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file partition.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/partition.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pegtl.hpp Include pegtl/pegtl.hh with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file philox.hpp Include Random123/philox.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pstream.hpp Include pstreams/pstream.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pup.hpp Include pup.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pup_stl.hpp Include pup_stl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file quietcerr.decl.h Include quietcerr.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file quietcerr.def.h Include quietcerr.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file rngtest.decl.h Include rngtest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file rngtest.def.h Include rngtest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file set.hpp Include brigand/sequences/set.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sip_hash.hpp Include highwayhash/sip_hash.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sol.hpp Include sol/sol.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01.decl.h Include testu01.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01.def.h Include testu01.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01suite.decl.h Include testu01suite.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01suite.def.h Include testu01suite.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file threefry.hpp Include Random123/threefry.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file transform.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/transform.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut.hpp Include tut/tut.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut_result.hpp Include tut/tut_result.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut_runner.hpp Include tut/tut_runner.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tutsuite.decl.h Include tutsuite.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tutsuite.def.h Include tutsuite.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tuttest.decl.h Include tuttest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tuttest.def.h Include tuttest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file uniform.hpp Include Random123/uniform.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file unittest.decl.h Include unittest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file unittest.def.h Include unittest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file value_factory.hpp Include boost/functional/value_factory.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file walker.decl.h Include walker.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file walker.def.h Include walker.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
dir RNG Interoperation with random number generator libraries.
- file RNG.hpp Random number generator.
- file MKLRNG.hpp Interface to Intel MKL VSL random number generators.
- file Random123.hpp Interface to Random123 random number generators.
- file RNGSSE.hpp Interface to RNGSSE random number generators.
- file RNGStack.cpp Stack of random number generators.
- file RNGStack.hpp Stack of random number generators.
dir RNGTest Functionality specific to RNGTest
- file Battery.hpp Random number generator test harness.
- file BigCrush.cpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's BigCrush battery.
- file BigCrush.hpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's BigCrush battery.
- file Crush.cpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's Crush battery.
- file Crush.hpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's Crush battery.
- file SmallCrush.cpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's SmallCrush battery.
- file SmallCrush.hpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's SmallCrush battery.
- file StatTest.hpp Random number generator statistical test.
- file TestStack.hpp Stack collecting all types of random number generator statistical tests.
- file TestU01.cpp TestU01 statistical test.
- file TestU01.hpp TestU01 statistical test.
- file TestU01Props.hpp TestU01 statistical test properties class.
- file TestU01Stack.cpp Stack of TestU01 RNG statistical tests.
- file TestU01Stack.hpp Stack of TestU01 RNG statistical tests.
- file TestU01Suite.cpp TestU01 random number generator test suite.
- file TestU01Suite.hpp TestU01 random number generator test suite.
- file TestU01Util.hpp Interfacing the TestU01 random number generator test suite.
- file TestU01Wrappers.hpp TestU01 global-scope wrappers.
dir Statistics Estimating statistical moments and probablity distributions from ensembles.
- file BiPDF.hpp Joint bivariate PDF estimator.
- file PDFReducer.cpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
- file PDFReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
- file Statistics.cpp Statistics class definition.
- file Statistics.hpp Statistics class declaration.
- file TriPDF.hpp Joint trivariate PDF estimator.
- file UniPDF.hpp Univariate PDF estimator.
dir UnitTest Functionality specific to UnitTest
- file Assessment.cpp Unit test suite assessment.
- file Assessment.hpp Unit test suite assessment.
- file MPIRunner.cpp Charm++ nodegroup to run MPI unit tests.
- file MPIRunner.hpp Charm++ nodegroup to run MPI unit tests.
- file QuietCerr.cpp Charm++ nodegroup to quiet std::cerr in a thread-safe fashion.
- file QuietCerr.hpp Charm++ nodegroup to quiet std::cerr in a thread-safe fashion.
- file TUTConfig.hpp Template Unit Test unit test configuration for all tests.
- file TUTSuite.cpp Template Unit Test suite class definition.
- file TUTSuite.hpp Template Unit Test suite class declaration.
- file TUTTest.cpp Template Unit Test unit test class definition.
- file TUTTest.hpp Template Unit Test unit test class declaration.
- file TUTUtil.hpp Utilities for unit testing with the Template Unit Test library.
dir Walker Functionality specific to Walker
- file Collector.cpp Charm++ module interface file for collecting contributions from Integrators.
- file Collector.hpp Charm++ module interface file for collecting contributions from Integrators.
- file Distributor.cpp Distributor drives the time integration of differential equations.
- file Distributor.hpp Distributor drives the time integration of differential equations.
- file Integrator.cpp Integrator advances differential equations.
- file Integrator.hpp Integrator advances differential equations.
dir Base Basic, general, generic utilities, reused across all executables.
- file Callback.hpp Tagged tuple types used for passing Charm++ callbacks.
- file CartesianProduct.hpp Cartesian product using brigand.
- file ChareState.hpp Charm++ chare state collector group.
- file ChareStateCollector.cpp Charm++ chare state collector group.
- file ChareStateCollector.hpp Charm++ chare state collector group.
- file ContainerUtil.hpp Various STL container utilities.
- file Data.hpp Generic data storage with different memory layouts.
- file Escaper.hpp String escaper pulled over from PEGTL v0.32.
- file Exception.cpp Exception class definition.
- file Exception.hpp Exception class declaration.
- file ExceptionMPI.hpp Exception macros interoperating with MPI.
- file Factory.hpp Factory utilities.
- file Flip_map.hpp Flip a std::map yielding a multimap sorted by std::map::value_type.
- file Has.hpp "Has-a" utilities for detecting class internals
- file HashMapReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging std::unordered_maps across PEs.
- file If.hpp Compile-time type selection.
- file LoadDistributor.cpp Load distributors.
- file LoadDistributor.hpp Load distributors and partitioning data types.
- file Macro.hpp Macro definitions.
- file Particles.hpp Particles used to store particle data.
- file Print.hpp General purpose pretty printer functionality.
- file PrintUtil.cpp String conversion utilities.
- file PrintUtil.hpp String conversion utilities.
- file ProcessControl.cpp POSIX process control wrapper definitions.
- file ProcessControl.hpp POSIX process control wrapper definitions.
- file ProcessException.cpp Process an exception.
- file ProcessException.hpp Process an exception definition.
- file Progress.hpp Simple progress indicator.
- file PUPUtil.hpp Charm++ Pack/UnPack utilities.
- file QEndian.hpp Swap endianness.
- file Reader.cpp Reader class definition.
- file Reader.hpp Reader base class declaration.
- file Table.hpp Basic functionality for storing and sampling a discrete (y1,y2,...,yN) = f(x) function.
- file TaggedTuple.hpp Tagged tuple allowing tag-based access.
- file TaggedTupleDeepPrint.hpp Structured TaggedTuple printer with depth/indentation.
- file TaggedTuplePrint.hpp Simple (unformatted, one-line) TaggedTuple printer.
- file TeeBuf.hpp Tee stream buffer.
- file Timer.cpp Timer definition.
- file Timer.hpp Timer declaration.
- file Types.hpp Toolkit-level type definitions.
- file Vector.hpp Vector algebra.
- file Writer.cpp Writer base class definition.
- file Writer.hpp Writer base class declaration.
dir Control Command line and input file parsing and grammars for all executables.
dir Options Options for multiple executables.
- file Error.hpp Error type options.
- file MKLBetaMethod.hpp Intel MKL Beta RNG method options.
- file MKLGammaMethod.hpp Intel MKL Gamma RNG method options.
- file MKLGaussianMethod.hpp Intel MKL Gaussian RNG method options.
- file MKLGaussianMVMethod.hpp Intel MKL multi-variate Gaussian RNG method options.
- file MKLUniformMethod.hpp Intel MKL uniform RNG method options.
- file PDFCentering.hpp PDF output file centering type options.
- file PDFFile.hpp PDF output file type options.
- file PDFPolicy.hpp PDF output file policy options.
- file RNG.hpp Random number generator options and associations.
- file RNGSSESeqLen.hpp RNGSSE sequence length options.
- file TxtFloatFormat.hpp Text floating-point output options.
- file UserTable.hpp User-defined table (discrete y=f(x) function) options.
dir RNGTest Types, options, command line parsing, and grammar for RNGTest
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for RNGTest
- file CmdLine.hpp RNGTest's command line.
- file Grammar.hpp RNGTest's command line grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp RNGTest's command line parser.
- file Parser.hpp RNGTest's command line parser.
dir InputDeck Input file parsing and grammar for RNGTest
- file Grammar.hpp Random number generator test suite grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp Random number generator test suite input deck parser.
- file Parser.hpp Random number generator test suite input deck parser.
- file InputDeck.hpp Random number generator test suite input deck.
dir Options Options for RNGTest
- file Battery.hpp Random number generator test suite batteries options.
- file Types.hpp Types for RNGTest's parsers.
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for RNGTest
dir UnitTest Types, command line parsing, and grammar for UnitTest
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for UnitTest
- file CmdLine.hpp UnitTest's command line.
- file Grammar.hpp UnitTest's command line grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp UnitTest's command line parser.
- file Parser.hpp UnitTest's command line parser.
- file Types.hpp Types for UnitTest's parsers.
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for UnitTest
dir Walker Types, options, command line parsing, and grammar for Walker
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for Walker
- file CmdLine.hpp Walker's command line.
- file Grammar.hpp Walker's command line grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp Walker's command line parser.
- file Parser.hpp Walker's command line parser.
dir InputDeck Input file parsing and grammar for Walker
- file Grammar.hpp Walker's input deck grammar definition.
- file Parser.cpp Walker's input deck file parser.
- file Parser.hpp Walker's input deck file parser.
- file InputDeck.hpp Walker's input deck.
dir Options Options for Walker
- file CoeffPolicy.hpp Differential equation coefficients policy options.
- file Depvar.hpp Dependent variable options for walker.
- file DiffEq.hpp Differential equation options and associations for walker.
- file HydroProductions.hpp Hydrodynamics production divided by dissipation rate options.
- file HydroTimeScales.hpp Inverse hydrodynamics time scale options.
- file InitPolicy.hpp Differential equation initialization policy options for walker.
- file Normalization.hpp Normalization variants (used for MixDirichlet)
- file VelocityVariant.hpp Velocity model variants.
- file Types.hpp Types for Walker's parsers.
- file Components.hpp Storage for number of components.
dir CmdLine Command line parsing and grammar for Walker
- file CommonGrammar.hpp Generic, low-level grammar, re-used by specific grammars.
- file FileParser.cpp File parser base class definition.
- file FileParser.hpp File parser base class declaration.
- file HelpFactory.hpp Command-line and input deck help factory.
- file Keyword.hpp Generic definition of a keyword.
- file Keywords.hpp Definition of all keywords.
- file MKLGrammar.hpp Intel MKL-related grammar.
- file Random123Grammar.hpp Random123-related grammar.
- file RNGParam.hpp Types for storing parameters of random number generators.
- file RNGSSEGrammar.hpp RNGSSE-related grammar.
- file StatCtr.hpp Types and associated functions to deal with moments and PDFs.
- file StringParser.cpp String parser base class definition.
- file StringParser.hpp String parser base class declaration.
- file SystemComponents.hpp Operations on numbers of scalar components of systems of equations.
- file Tags.hpp Tags.
- file Toggle.hpp Toggle is the base for an Option, doing generic searches.
dir Options Options for multiple executables.
dir DiffEq Stochastic and deterministic (ordinary) differential equations.
dir Beta Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the beta PDF.
- file Beta.hpp System of beta SDEs.
- file BetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Beta coefficients policies.
- file BetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Beta coefficients policies.
- file ConfigureBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the beta SDE.
- file ConfigureBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMassFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the mass fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMassFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixMassFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the mix mass fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixMassFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the mix mass fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixNumberFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the mix number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureMixNumberFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the mix number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureNumberFractionBeta.cpp Register and compile configuration on the number fraction beta SDE.
- file ConfigureNumberFractionBeta.hpp Register and compile configuration on the number fraction beta SDE.
- file MassFractionBeta.hpp System of mass-fraction beta SDEs.
- file MassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixMassFractionBeta.hpp System of mix mass-fraction beta SDEs.
- file MixMassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixMassFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Mix mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixNumberFractionBeta.hpp System of mix number-fraction beta SDEs.
- file MixNumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file MixNumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Mix number-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file NumberFractionBeta.hpp System of number-fraction beta SDEs.
- file NumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.cpp Mass-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
- file NumberFractionBetaCoeffPolicy.hpp Number-fraction beta SDE coefficients policies.
dir Dirichlet Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Dirichlet PDF.
- file ConfigureDirichlet.cpp Register and compile configuration on the Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureDirichlet.hpp Register and compile configuration on the Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureGeneralizedDirichlet.cpp Register and compile configuration on the generlized Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureGeneralizedDirichlet.hpp Register and compile configuration on the generalized Dirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureMixDirichlet.cpp Register and compile configuration on the MixDirichlet SDE.
- file ConfigureMixDirichlet.hpp Register and compile configuration on the MixDirichlet SDE.
- file Dirichlet.hpp Dirichlet SDE.
- file DirichletCoeffPolicy.cpp Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file DirichletCoeffPolicy.hpp Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file GeneralizedDirichlet.hpp Lochner's generalized Dirichlet SDE.
- file GeneralizedDirichletCoeffPolicy.cpp Generalized Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file GeneralizedDirichletCoeffPolicy.hpp Lochner's generalized Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file MixDirichlet.hpp Mixture Dirichlet SDE.
- file MixDirichletCoeffPolicy.cpp Mixture Dirichlet coefficients policies.
- file MixDirichletCoeffPolicy.hpp MixDirichlet coefficients policies.
dir Dissipation Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy in turbulent flows.
- file ConfigureDissipation.cpp Register and compile configuration on the dissipation SDE.
- file ConfigureDissipation.hpp Register and compile configuration on the dissipation SDE.
- file Dissipation.hpp A dissipation model for Lagrangian particles.
- file DissipationCoeffPolicy.cpp Dissipation SDE coefficients policies.
- file DissipationCoeffPolicy.hpp Particle dissipation equation coefficients policies.
dir Gamma Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the gamma PDF.
- file ConfigureGamma.cpp Register and compile configuration on the gamma SDE.
- file ConfigureGamma.hpp Register and compile configuration on the gamma SDE.
- file Gamma.hpp System of gamma SDEs.
- file GammaCoeffPolicy.cpp Gamma coefficients policies.
- file GammaCoeffPolicy.hpp Gamma coefficients policies.
dir OrnsteinUhlenbeck Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
- file ConfigureDiagOrnsteinUhlenbeck.cpp Register and compile configuration on the diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file ConfigureDiagOrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp Register and compile configuration on the diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file ConfigureOrnsteinUhlenbeck.cpp Register and compile configuration on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file ConfigureOrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp Register and compile configuration on the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDE.
- file DiagOrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp System of diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDEs.
- file DiagOrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.cpp Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
- file DiagOrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.hpp Diagonal Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
- file OrnsteinUhlenbeck.hpp System of Ornstein-Uhlenbeck SDEs.
- file OrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.cpp Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
- file OrnsteinUhlenbeckCoeffPolicy.hpp Ornstein-Uhlenbeck coefficients policies.
dir Position Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the stochastic particle positions in turbulent flows.
- file ConfigurePosition.cpp Register and compile configuration on the position SDE.
- file ConfigurePosition.hpp Register and compile configuration on the position SDE.
- file Position.hpp A position model for Lagrangian particles.
- file PositionCoeffPolicy.cpp Position SDE coefficients policies.
- file PositionCoeffPolicy.hpp Particle position equation coefficients policies.
dir SkewNormal Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the skew-normal PDF.
- file ConfigureSkewNormal.cpp Register and compile configuration on the skew-normal SDE.
- file ConfigureSkewNormal.hpp Register and compile configuration on the skew-normal SDE.
- file SkewNormal.hpp System of skew-normal SDEs.
- file SkewNormalCoeffPolicy.cpp SkewNormal coefficients policies.
- file SkewNormalCoeffPolicy.hpp Skew-normal coefficients policies.
dir Velocity Time integrators for stochastic differential equations modeling the stochastic particle velocities in turbulent flows.
- file ConfigureVelocity.cpp Register and compile configuration on the velocity SDE.
- file ConfigureVelocity.hpp Register and compile configuration on the velocity SDE.
- file Langevin.cpp Functionality implementing Langevin models for the velocity.
- file Langevin.hpp Functionality implementing Langevin models for the velocity.
- file Velocity.hpp A model for velocity in variable-density turbulence.
- file VelocityCoeffPolicy.cpp Velocity coefficients policies.
- file VelocityCoeffPolicy.hpp Velocity equation coefficients policies.
dir WrightFisher Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the Wright-Fisher process.
- file ConfigureWrightFisher.cpp Register and compile configuration on the Wright-Fisher SDE.
- file ConfigureWrightFisher.hpp Register and compile configuration on the Wright-Fisher SDE.
- file WrightFisher.hpp Wright-Fisher SDE.
- file WrightFisherCoeffPolicy.cpp Wright-Fisher coefficients policies.
- file WrightFisherCoeffPolicy.hpp Wright-Fisher coefficients policies.
- file DiffEq.hpp Differential equation.
- file HydroProductions.hpp Hydrodynamics (turbulent kinetic energy) production divided by the dissipation rate from DNS for the homogeneous Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
- file HydroTimeScales.hpp Inverse hydrodynamics time scales from DNS for the homogeneous Rayleigh-Taylor instability.
- file InitPolicy.hpp Initialization policies.
- file CoupledEq.hpp Functionality for querying information on coupled equations.
- file DiffEqFactory.hpp Differential equations factory.
- file DiffEqStack.cpp Stack of differential equations.
- file DiffEqStack.hpp Stack of differential equations.
dir Beta Time integrators for stochastic differential equations based on the beta PDF.
dir IO File input and output.
- file GmshMeshIO.hpp Gmsh mesh reader and writer related types.
- file GmshMeshReader.cpp Gmsh mesh reader class definition.
- file GmshMeshReader.hpp Gmsh mesh reader class declaration.
- file GmshMeshWriter.cpp Gmsh mesh writer class definition.
- file GmshMeshWriter.hpp Gmsh mesh writer class declaration.
- file H5PartWriter.cpp H5Part particles data writer.
- file H5PartWriter.hpp H5Part particles data writer.
- file ParticleWriter.cpp Charm++ group for outputing particle data to file via H5Part.
- file ParticleWriter.hpp Charm++ group for outputing particle data to file via H5Part.
- file PDFWriter.cpp Univariate PDF writer.
- file PDFWriter.hpp PDF writer class declaration.
- file TxtStatWriter.cpp Text statistics writer declaration.
- file TxtStatWriter.hpp Text statistics writer declaration.
dir Main Driver routines for all executables.
- file Init.cpp Common initialization routines for main() functions for multiple exectuables.
- file Init.hpp Common initialization routines for main() functions for multiple exectuables.
- file LBSwitch.cpp Charm++ chare group for switching on/off load balancing.
- file LBSwitch.hpp Charm++ chare group for switching on/off load balancing.
- file RNGPrint.cpp Pretty printer base for pretty printers supporting RNGs.
- file RNGPrint.hpp Pretty printer base for pretty printers supporting RNGs.
- file RNGTest.cpp RNGTest's random number generator test suite's Charm++ main chare.
- file RNGTestDriver.cpp Random number generator test suite driver.
- file RNGTestDriver.hpp Random number generator test suite driver.
- file RNGTestPrint.hpp RNGTest-specific pretty printer functionality.
- file UnitTest.cpp UnitTest's Charm++ main chare and main().
- file UnitTestDriver.cpp Unit test driver.
- file UnitTestDriver.hpp Unit test driver.
- file UnitTestPrint.hpp UnitTest's printer.
- file Walker.cpp Random walker Charm++ main chare.
- file WalkerDriver.cpp WalkerDriver that drives Walker.
- file WalkerDriver.hpp WalkerDriver that drives Walker.
- file WalkerPrint.cpp Walker-specific pretty printer functionality.
- file WalkerPrint.hpp Walker-specific pretty printer functionality.
dir NoWarning Include files turning on/off specific compiler warnings for third-party library includes.
- file factory.hpp Include boost/functional/factory.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file any.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/any.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file append.hpp Include brigand/sequences/append.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file back.hpp Include brigand/sequences/back.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file backward.hpp Include backward.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file beta_distribution.hpp Include boost/random/beta_distribution.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charestatecollector.decl.h Include charestatecollector.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charestatecollector.def.h Include charestatecollector.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charm++.hpp Include charm++.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charm.hpp Include charm.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charmchild.def.h Include charmchild.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file charmtimer.def.h Include charmtimer.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file collector.def.h Include collector.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file distributor.decl.h Include distributor.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file distributor.def.h Include distributor.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file exodusII.hpp Include exodusII.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file flatten.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/flatten.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file fold.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/fold.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file format.hpp Include boost/format.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file front.hpp Include brigand/sequences/front.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file H5Part.hpp Include H5Part.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file index_of.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/index_of.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file integrator.decl.h Include integrator.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file integrator.def.h Include integrator.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file migrated_base.def.h Include migrated_
base.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings. - file mpi.hpp Include mpi.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file mpirunner.decl.h Include mpirunner.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file mpirunner.def.h Include mpirunner.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file particlewriter.decl.h Include particlewriter.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file particlewriter.def.h Include particlewriter.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file partition.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/partition.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pegtl.hpp Include pegtl/pegtl.hh with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file philox.hpp Include Random123/philox.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pstream.hpp Include pstreams/pstream.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pup.hpp Include pup.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file pup_stl.hpp Include pup_stl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file quietcerr.decl.h Include quietcerr.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file quietcerr.def.h Include quietcerr.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file rngtest.decl.h Include rngtest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file rngtest.def.h Include rngtest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file set.hpp Include brigand/sequences/set.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sip_hash.hpp Include highwayhash/sip_hash.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file sol.hpp Include sol/sol.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01.decl.h Include testu01.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01.def.h Include testu01.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01suite.decl.h Include testu01suite.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file testu01suite.def.h Include testu01suite.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file threefry.hpp Include Random123/threefry.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file transform.hpp Include brigand/algorithms/transform.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut.hpp Include tut/tut.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut_result.hpp Include tut/tut_result.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tut_runner.hpp Include tut/tut_runner.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tutsuite.decl.h Include tutsuite.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tutsuite.def.h Include tutsuite.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tuttest.decl.h Include tuttest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file tuttest.def.h Include tuttest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file uniform.hpp Include Random123/uniform.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file unittest.decl.h Include unittest.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file unittest.def.h Include unittest.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file value_factory.hpp Include boost/functional/value_factory.hpp with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file walker.decl.h Include walker.decl.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
- file walker.def.h Include walker.def.h with turning off specific compiler warnings.
dir RNG Interoperation with random number generator libraries.
- file RNG.hpp Random number generator.
- file MKLRNG.hpp Interface to Intel MKL VSL random number generators.
- file Random123.hpp Interface to Random123 random number generators.
- file RNGSSE.hpp Interface to RNGSSE random number generators.
- file RNGStack.cpp Stack of random number generators.
- file RNGStack.hpp Stack of random number generators.
dir RNGTest Functionality specific to RNGTest
- file Battery.hpp Random number generator test harness.
- file BigCrush.cpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's BigCrush battery.
- file BigCrush.hpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's BigCrush battery.
- file Crush.cpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's Crush battery.
- file Crush.hpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's Crush battery.
- file SmallCrush.cpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's SmallCrush battery.
- file SmallCrush.hpp Class re-creating the TestU01 library's SmallCrush battery.
- file StatTest.hpp Random number generator statistical test.
- file TestStack.hpp Stack collecting all types of random number generator statistical tests.
- file TestU01.cpp TestU01 statistical test.
- file TestU01.hpp TestU01 statistical test.
- file TestU01Props.hpp TestU01 statistical test properties class.
- file TestU01Stack.cpp Stack of TestU01 RNG statistical tests.
- file TestU01Stack.hpp Stack of TestU01 RNG statistical tests.
- file TestU01Suite.cpp TestU01 random number generator test suite.
- file TestU01Suite.hpp TestU01 random number generator test suite.
- file TestU01Util.hpp Interfacing the TestU01 random number generator test suite.
- file TestU01Wrappers.hpp TestU01 global-scope wrappers.
dir Statistics Estimating statistical moments and probablity distributions from ensembles.
- file BiPDF.hpp Joint bivariate PDF estimator.
- file PDFReducer.cpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
- file PDFReducer.hpp Custom Charm++ reducer for merging PDFs across PEs.
- file Statistics.cpp Statistics class definition.
- file Statistics.hpp Statistics class declaration.
- file TriPDF.hpp Joint trivariate PDF estimator.
- file UniPDF.hpp Univariate PDF estimator.
dir UnitTest Functionality specific to UnitTest
- file Assessment.cpp Unit test suite assessment.
- file Assessment.hpp Unit test suite assessment.
- file MPIRunner.cpp Charm++ nodegroup to run MPI unit tests.
- file MPIRunner.hpp Charm++ nodegroup to run MPI unit tests.
- file QuietCerr.cpp Charm++ nodegroup to quiet std::cerr in a thread-safe fashion.
- file QuietCerr.hpp Charm++ nodegroup to quiet std::cerr in a thread-safe fashion.
- file TUTConfig.hpp Template Unit Test unit test configuration for all tests.
- file TUTSuite.cpp Template Unit Test suite class definition.
- file TUTSuite.hpp Template Unit Test suite class declaration.
- file TUTTest.cpp Template Unit Test unit test class definition.
- file TUTTest.hpp Template Unit Test unit test class declaration.
- file TUTUtil.hpp Utilities for unit testing with the Template Unit Test library.
dir Walker Functionality specific to Walker
- file Collector.cpp Charm++ module interface file for collecting contributions from Integrators.
- file Collector.hpp Charm++ module interface file for collecting contributions from Integrators.
- file Distributor.cpp Distributor drives the time integration of differential equations.
- file Distributor.hpp Distributor drives the time integration of differential equations.
- file Integrator.cpp Integrator advances differential equations.
- file Integrator.hpp Integrator advances differential equations.