Walker test code coverage report
Current view: top level - Base - Exception.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: test_coverage.info Lines: 2 2 100.0 %
Date: 2022-09-21 13:52:12 Functions: 1 1 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 0 0 -

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Base/Exception.hpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     Exception class declaration
       9                 :            :   \details   Exception class declaration. The basic functionality provided by
      10                 :            :     the Exception class is to facilitate printing out a message, together with
      11                 :            :     the location of the exception (file, line, funcion name), as well as a call
      12                 :            :     trace if available, when an exception is thrown. This file also defines
      13                 :            :     three macros, Throw, Assert, and ErrChk, that help simplifying client code
      14                 :            :     throwing exceptions.
      15                 :            : */
      16                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      17                 :            : #ifndef Exception_h
      18                 :            : #define Exception_h
      19                 :            : 
      20                 :            : #include <exception>
      21                 :            : #include <string>
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : //! Toolkit declarations and definitions for general purpose utilities
      24                 :            : namespace tk {
      25                 :            : 
      26                 :            : #ifdef NDEBUG    // asserts disabled
      27                 :            : static constexpr bool ndebug = true;
      28                 :            : #else            // asserts enabled
      29                 :            : static constexpr bool ndebug = false;
      30                 :            : #endif
      31                 :            : 
      32                 :            : //! \brief Throw macro that always throws an exception
      33                 :            : //! \details Throw Exception with arguments passed in. Add source filename,
      34                 :            : //!   function name, and line number where exception occurred. This macro
      35                 :            : //!   facilitates a throw of Exception that is somehwat cleaner at the point
      36                 :            : //!   of invocation than a direct throw of Exception, as it hides the
      37                 :            : //!   file:func:line arguments. Whenever is possible, it should be used via the
      38                 :            : //!   Assert and ErrChk macros defined below.
      39                 :            : #define Throw(...) \
      40                 :            :    throw tk::Exception(__VA_ARGS__, __FILE__, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__)
      41                 :            : 
      42                 :            : //! \brief Assert macro that only throws an exception if expr fails.
      43                 :            : //! \details If NDEBUG is defined (e.g. cmake's RELEASE or OPTIMIZED mode), do
      44                 :            : //!    nothing, expr is not evaluated. If NDEBUG is not defined, evaluate expr.
      45                 :            : //!    If expr is true, do nothing. If expr is false, throw Exception with
      46                 :            : //!    arguments passed in. The behavior is similar to libc's assert macro, but
      47                 :            : //!    throwing an Exception instead will also generate a nice call-trace and
      48                 :            : //!    will attempt to free memory. This macro should be used to detect
      49                 :            : //!    programmer errors.
      50                 :            : #ifdef NDEBUG
      51                 :            : #  define Assert(expr, ...) (static_cast<void>(0))
      52                 :            : #else  // NDEBUG
      53                 :            : #  define Assert(expr, ...) \
      54                 :            :    ((expr) ? static_cast<void>(0) : Throw(__VA_ARGS__))
      55                 :            : #endif // NDEBUG
      56                 :            : 
      57                 :            : //! \brief ErrChk macro that only throws an exception if expr fails.
      58                 :            : //! \details The behavior of this macro is the same whether NDEBUG is defined or
      59                 :            : //!    not: expr is always evaluated. If expr is true, do nothing. If expr is
      60                 :            : //!    false, throw Exception with arguments passed in. This macro should be
      61                 :            : //!    used to detect user or runtime errors.
      62                 :            : #define ErrChk(expr, ...) \
      63                 :            :    ((expr) ? static_cast<void>(0) : Throw(__VA_ARGS__))
      64                 :            : 
      65                 :            : //! Error codes for the OS (or whatever calls us)
      66                 :            : enum ErrCode { SUCCESS = EXIT_SUCCESS, //!< Everything went fine
      67                 :            :                FAILURE = EXIT_FAILURE  //!< Exceptions occurred
      68                 :            : };
      69                 :            : 
      70                 :            : //! \brief Basic exception class for producing file:func:line info + call trace
      71                 :            : //! \details The basic functionality provided by the Exception class is to
      72                 :            : //!   facilitate printing out a message, together with the location of the
      73                 :            : //!   exception (file, line, funcion name), as well as a call trace if
      74                 :            : //!   available, when an exception is thrown.
      75                 :            : class Exception : public std::exception {
      76                 :            : 
      77                 :            :   public:
      78                 :            :     //! Constructor
      79                 :            :     explicit Exception( std::string&& message,
      80                 :            :                         std::string&& file = "",
      81                 :            :                         std::string&& function = "",
      82                 :            :                         unsigned int line = 0 ) noexcept;
      83                 :            : 
      84                 :            :     //! Destructor
      85                 :            :     virtual ~Exception() noexcept override;
      86                 :            : 
      87                 :            :     //! Force move constructor for throws
      88                 :            :     Exception(Exception&&) = default;
      89                 :            : 
      90                 :            :     //! Redefine std::exception's what()
      91                 :            :     //! \return C-style string to exception message
      92                 :         16 :     virtual const char* what() const noexcept override {
      93                 :         16 :       return m_message.c_str();
      94                 :            :     }
      95                 :            : 
      96                 :            :     //! Handle Exception
      97                 :            :     virtual ErrCode handleException() noexcept;
      98                 :            : 
      99                 :            :     //! Accessor to function name
     100                 :            :     //! \return Reference to function name in which the exception occurred
     101                 :            :     const std::string& func() const noexcept { return m_func; }
     102                 :            : 
     103                 :            :   private:
     104                 :            :     // Use move constructor by default
     105                 :            :     //! Don't permit copy constructor
     106                 :            :     Exception(const Exception&) = delete;
     107                 :            :     //! Don't permit copy assignment
     108                 :            :     Exception& operator=(const Exception&) = delete;
     109                 :            :     //! Don't permit move assignment
     110                 :            :     Exception& operator=(Exception&&) = delete;
     111                 :            : 
     112                 :            :     //! Save call trace
     113                 :            :     void saveTrace() noexcept;
     114                 :            : 
     115                 :            :     //! Demangle and Echo call trace
     116                 :            :     void echoTrace() noexcept;
     117                 :            : 
     118                 :            :     const std::string m_file;   //!< Source file where exception is occurred
     119                 :            :     const std::string m_func;   //!< Function name where exception is occurred
     120                 :            :     const unsigned int m_line;  //!< Source line where exception is occurred
     121                 :            : 
     122                 :            :     std::string m_message;      //!< Error message
     123                 :            :     void* m_addrList[128];      //!< Call-stack before exception
     124                 :            :     int m_addrLength;           //!< Number of stack frames
     125                 :            :     char** m_symbolList;        //!< Symbol list of stack entries
     126                 :            : };
     127                 :            : 
     128                 :            : } // tk::
     129                 :            : 
     130                 :            : #endif // Exception_h

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