Walker test code coverage report
Current view: top level - Control - StringParser.cpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Commit: test_coverage.info Lines: 10 27 37.0 %
Date: 2022-09-21 18:57:21 Functions: 2 2 100.0 %
Legend: Lines: hit not hit | Branches: + taken - not taken # not executed Branches: 8 64 12.5 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
       2                 :            : /*!
       3                 :            :   \file      src/Control/StringParser.cpp
       4                 :            :   \copyright 2012-2015 J. Bakosi,
       5                 :            :              2016-2018 Los Alamos National Security, LLC.,
       6                 :            :              2019-2021 Triad National Security, LLC.
       7                 :            :              All rights reserved. See the LICENSE file for details.
       8                 :            :   \brief     String parser base class definition
       9                 :            :   \details   String parser base class definition. String parser base serves as
      10                 :            :     a base class for various string parsers, e.g., command-line parsers. It does
      11                 :            :     generic after-parser diagnostics.
      12                 :            : */
      13                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      14                 :            : 
      15                 :            : #include <vector>
      16                 :            : #include <iostream>
      17                 :            : #include <cstddef>
      18                 :            : #include <string>
      19                 :            : 
      20                 :            : #include "StringParser.hpp"
      21                 :            : #include "Exception.hpp"
      22                 :            : 
      23                 :            : using tk::StringParser;
      24                 :            : 
      25                 :         99 : StringParser::StringParser( int argc, char** argv ) : m_string()
      26                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      27                 :            : //  Constructor
      28                 :            : //! \param[in] argc Number of C-style character arrays in argv
      29                 :            : //! \param[in] argv C-style character array of character arrays
      30                 :            : //! \details   Convert C-style character array of character arrays to a single
      31                 :            : //!   std::string substrings separated by spaces. Exception safety: basic
      32                 :            : //!   guarantee: if an exception is thrown, the stream is in a valid state.
      33                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      34                 :            : {
      35         [ +  + ]:        528 :   for (int i=1; i<argc; ++i)
      36 [ +  - ][ +  - ]:        429 :     m_string += std::string(argv[i]) + ' ';
                 [ +  - ]
      37                 :         99 : }
      38                 :            : 
      39                 :            : void
      40                 :         98 : StringParser::diagnostics( const tk::Print& print,
      41                 :            :                            const std::vector< std::string >& messages )
      42                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      43                 :            : //  Echo errors and warnings accumulated during parsing
      44                 :            : //! \param[in] print Pretty printer
      45                 :            : //! \param[in] messages Vector of strings of errors and warnings
      46                 :            : // *****************************************************************************
      47                 :            : {
      48                 :         98 :   bool err = false;     // signaling whether there were any errors
      49                 :            : 
      50                 :            :   // Underline errors and warnings
      51         [ +  - ]:        196 :   std::string underline( m_string.size(), ' ' );
      52         [ -  + ]:         98 :   for (const auto& e : messages) {
      53                 :            : 
      54                 :            :     // decide if error or warning
      55                 :          0 :     char underchar = ' ';
      56         [ -  - ]:          0 :     if (e.find( "Error" ) != std::string::npos) { err = true; underchar = '^'; }
      57         [ -  - ]:          0 :     else if (e.find( "Warning" ) != std::string::npos) underchar = '~';
      58                 :            : 
      59                 :            :     // underline error and warning
      60 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     if (underchar == '^' || underchar == '~') {
      61                 :          0 :       auto sloc = e.find( "at 1," );
      62         [ -  - ]:          0 :       if (sloc != std::string::npos) {  // if we have location info
      63                 :            :         // skip "at 1,"
      64                 :          0 :         sloc += 5;
      65                 :            :         // find a dot starting from after "at 1,"
      66                 :          0 :         const auto eloc = e.find_first_of( '.', sloc );
      67                 :            :         // compute location of error by extracting it from error message
      68 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :         const std::size_t errloc = std::stoul( e.substr( sloc, eloc-sloc ) ) - 1;
      69                 :            :         // find beginning of erroneous argument
      70                 :          0 :         sloc = m_string.rfind( ' ', errloc-1 );
      71                 :            :         // special-handle the first argument with no space in front of it
      72         [ -  - ]:          0 :         if (sloc == std::string::npos) sloc = 0; else ++sloc;
      73                 :            :         // underline error and warning differently
      74 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :         for (std::size_t i=sloc; i<errloc; ++i) underline[i] = underchar;
      75                 :            :       }
      76                 :            :     }
      77                 :            :   }
      78                 :            : 
      79                 :            :   // Output errors and warnings underlined (if any) to quiet stream, list errors
      80                 :            :   // and warnings, and exit
      81         [ -  + ]:         98 :   if (!messages.empty()) {
      82         [ -  - ]:          0 :     print % '\n';
      83 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     print % ">>> Command line parsed: '" % m_string % "'\n";
                 [ -  - ]
      84 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     print % ">>>                       " % underline % "\n";
                 [ -  - ]
      85 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     for (const auto& e : messages) print % ">>> " % e % std::endl;   // messages
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      86                 :            :     // Exit if there were any errors
      87 [ -  - ][ -  - ]:          0 :     if (err) Throw( "Error(s) occurred while parsing the command line\n" );
         [ -  - ][ -  - ]
      88                 :            :   }
      89                 :         98 : }

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